Principle 3

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End of Life Care: Principle 3

Integrated and Collaborative Care

Principle 3 states that "End of life care is provided through integrated working, with practitioners collaborating to ensure seamless care and support at the point of delivery. Needs are met in ways that are appropriate to the person, rather than being service-led. Workers maintain ongoing communication so that care and support is properly co-ordinated and responsive to changing circumstances and priorities."

Importance of Cohesive Teamwork

Carers must work cohesively to ensure that the services provided meet the needs of both the patient and their family. A breakdown in communication between colleagues can negatively impact the service-user. For instance, the person might receive two doses of medication from different carers, risking overdose, or a particular problem may not be addressed because it wasn’t communicated to the correct worker or manager.

Communication with Family Members

Communication between carers and the patient's family is essential. However, the patient's wishes must always be respected. As a carer, you must not break their confidence or share information they wish to keep private.

Cross-Sector Collaboration

Effective communication is crucial not only between individual carers but also across different sectors involved in end of life care. This includes care homes, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the Department of Health, and clinical networks. Integrated and collaborative care ensures that end of life care is managed appropriately for all involved.