So what is meant by the Common Core Principles?
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Common Core Principles in End of Life Care
In 2014, Skills for Care and Skills for Health jointly published a paper titled "Common Core Principles" outlining competences for social care and health workers working with adults at the end of life. These seven core principles are essential for all professionals in palliative and end-of-life care. Proper implementation of these principles can significantly improve the quality of care provided to individuals.
The Common Core Principles
1. Person-Centred Care and Support
Care and support should be planned and delivered in a person-centred manner, prioritising the individual's spiritual, emotional, and cultural needs. These priorities should guide all decisions and actions.
2. Effective Communication
Communication must be straightforward, appropriate, and timely. It should be delivered sensitively, considering the person's circumstances, needs, and abilities, as well as those of their carers. Communication should also respect the person's cultural and spiritual needs.
3. Integrated Working
End of life care should be provided through integrated working, with practitioners collaborating to ensure seamless care and support. Needs should be met in ways that are appropriate to the person, rather than being service-led. Ongoing communication is crucial to ensure care and support are properly coordinated and responsive to changing circumstances and priorities.
4. Clear Information
Good, clear, and straightforward information must be provided to the person and their carers. Regular reviews and effective communication ensure that care and support remain responsive to the changing needs and circumstances of people at the end of life and their carers. Forward planning, including advance care planning, facilitates well-coordinated, organised care and support.
5. Recognition of Carers' Needs and Rights
The needs and rights of carers should be recognised and acted upon. Carers should be offered support both while caring and during bereavement. Employers must acknowledge the impact on workers caring for someone who is dying and provide appropriate guidance and support.
6. Learning and Development Opportunities
Employers should provide appropriate learning and development opportunities for workers to ensure they are well-equipped to work with people at the end of life. Workers should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.
7. Supporting Workers
Employers must recognise the ways in which workers are affected while caring for someone who is dying and provide the necessary support and guidance.
In the following videos, we will explore each principle in detail.