Principle 6
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End-of-Life Care: Principle 6
Recognition of Carers' Needs and Rights
The needs and rights of carers are recognised and acted upon. Carers receive support both during their caregiving and through the bereavement period.
Support for Carers
This principle is crucial, as carers may be significantly affected by the death of the person they were caring for. It's important to acknowledge that feeling affected is normal, and employers are there to help you through this challenging time.
Employer Responsibilities
Employers must recognise the impact of dying and death on their staff and provide appropriate guidance and support. This includes facilitating peer support among workers and connecting them to structured support networks when necessary.
Speaking Out and Seeking Help
As a carer, if you feel negatively affected by the death of someone you cared for, it's vital not to remain silent. Speak out about your feelings and seek assistance. This is not a sign of weakness; recognising the issue is the first step in addressing it and moving forward.
Dealing with Death in a Professional Manner
Depending on your role, you may need to accept that death is an unfortunate reality you must learn to handle professionally. Employers should have systems and resources in place to support you in this aspect.
To ensure comprehensive support for carers, it's essential that their needs and rights are acknowledged. Employers play a key role in providing the necessary guidance and support, enabling carers to cope with the impacts of caregiving and bereavement effectively.