What is End of Life Care (with statistics)

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Understanding End of Life Care

End of life care, also known as palliative care, refers to the care provided to individuals who have a terminal condition or are in the final days, weeks, months, or even years of their life.

Statistics and Demographics

Each year, approximately 500,000 people die in England, and this number is expected to rise with the increasing population. Most individuals die at an advanced age, often with complex health needs. Additionally, around 40,000 children and young people in England live with life-shortening or life-threatening health conditions.

Quality of Care

A 2015 survey revealed that over 30% of people who died in hospital were reported by their families and carers to have received “poor” or “fair” care. Moreover, 40% of families felt that their loved ones did not receive the dignity and respect they deserved.

Importance of Dignified Care

It is crucial that both the patient and their family receive the best possible care during end of life care. Ensuring dignified and respectful treatment can significantly impact the overall experience and manage the situation in the most compassionate way possible.